Contact Us

An Associate of our firm will be pleased to meet with representatives of yourSmithsonian
organization to learn more about your special organizational planning,
financial planning and fundraising needs. Should you determine that our firm's counsel and professional services may be of benefit, a detailed proposal will be prepared and submitted for your review.

Included in our firm's proposals will be a description of the nature and scope of services to be provided; our recommended methodology; a projected time frame for the assignment; the project team to be assigned; and, the estimated professional fees and expenses which would be involved.

Here are some ways to contact us immediately. We look forward to speaking with you!

For general questions or to contact an Associate, please e-mail us at:
To e-mail a specific Associate, please select from below:

Gary W. Phillips
Mark Billings
Helen Bechtolt
Beth Quillen Thomas
Sheri Nazaroff
Lawrence J. Wilker
Brian Evans

Address & Phone Numbers
Post Office Box 241040
Los Angeles, CA 90024

Phone: (310) 247-0963
Fax: (310) 247-0966

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